Preparing for My Favourite Eccentricity
November 18, 2004
If you've known me for any length of time, you know that my annual Christmas letter is my favourite eccentricity. What you may not know is that throughout the year I'm thinking about how to write about various things that happen. And the last two months I've been mulling over what format this year's letter will take. I usually write it right around or right after Thanksgiving, so I'll be writing soon (one year I did an early draft at the first of November!).
I have decided this morning while on my morning walk that this year's letter will declare that my thirtieth year has been my best. Yes, I'm now going to rank 30 above 25 (the previous champ) and 4 (the previous runner-up).
Now some of you may be thinking that I have finally and completely lost it. You would think that because you've read the long agonizing e-mails, received the late night tear-filled calls, and all the other stuff that has revealed the darker sides of this last year.
But what I realized this morning is that this year I've experienced unparalleled personal growth. I've risked all and despite the year not playing out anywhere near the way I hoped it would have played out, if it had played out that way I'd not have grown. Yeah the high points have been really high and the low points have been really low, but taken together it is a year that didn't destroy me but made me stronger.
Speaking of Nietzsche, his test of a life well-lived was would you live it again with every good, bad, miserable, ecstatic, boring, painful, joyful moment. And I realized this morning that, yes, I would in fact re-live this last year with every moment.
So, thanks for sharing what may not have been the most joy-filled but definitely the best year of my life.
no korky... thank YOU for sharing your life with us and allowing us to experience your ups and downs your joys your sorrows your fears and your praises! i love you
Posted by: mary casey | November 18, 2004 at 10:19 AM
No, you've not completely lost it. I would count your greatest eccentricity, your insistance on using the highly obnoxious English spellings in words such as "colour," "favourite," "olde," "ye," and so on and so fourth.
My family never wrote Christmas letters. In turn, I was not used to the idea. Kelley's family, however, does write them and I've found them a great example of preserving a family's history via narrative. I look forward to reading yours.
I count myself lucky to be apart of your 30th year. I've seen the fruits of your growth and know what a triumph and tragedy that it's been. Here's to 31 more years.
Posted by: Phil | November 18, 2004 at 10:23 AM
I love the awkwardly celebratory Christmas-year-in-review type family letters of the exurban housewife variety.
Very Julia Sweeney.
If you write this one with more of that tone, maybe I wouldn't miss certain details such as you taking up disc golf. Which was apparently at the very beginning of that letter. But so what.
Posted by: marty | November 18, 2004 at 12:22 PM
and why wouldnt 30 be a good year? youre still very young and youve got a lot to look ahead to! thanks for just being you scotty!!
Posted by: Ryan | November 18, 2004 at 11:43 PM
seriously? every minute? wow...
Posted by: lindsay | November 22, 2004 at 01:42 PM