On Scary Movies
One Year: The Blog Itself

One Year: Easter

I started blogging on Palm Sunday last year. That was April 4. So, my liturgical anniversary is past and my secular anniversary is coming up in just over a week. And since I'm a pretty reflective person, I've decided to spend some time reflecting upon the year for me and also upon the first year of blogging.

Today is Easter, and it has been a good Easter. Mom & Revis were here for the weekend to help me with various projects around the house. It is so hard to keep up with everything when you live alone. In just a few hours they helped me knock out half my list. The major project was to be fixing the neighbors fence that fell some time ago and they never fixed (no one lives there, but they do come to mow the lawn now and then). When I awakened Saturday morn it was raining. And it didn't stop till this afternoon. So, we didn't get the fence fixed.

The worship services this Holy Week were wonderful as always. Palm Sunday is consistently one of my favourite Sundays. I love the color and the chaos with kids skipping the aisles with palms and such. Performing in our concert of Dubois' Seven Last Words was a profound experience for me. Our youth Seder Supper was the best we've had. The Stations of the Cross meditations were touching. Good Friday is one of Royal Lane's best services, and this year was no exception -- it may have been the best of the three I've experienced. And Easter Sunday was full of all the festivity and joy, despite the heavy rain and cold temperatures.

Last year I wrote this on Easter Sunday night:

There is a God and that God is great. I've had an incredible evening. This weekend I had something of my own personal Good Friday, but I've ended up with my own personal Easter. The amazing thing is how all in one thing you can realize mistakes you've made, feel contrite, feel humble, feel hope, and feel great joy and celebration, and know that you have become a better person and will be a better person in the years to come. Alleluia!

Oh! that all those words and the sentiment that they expressed had been true.

Tim Youmans has often spoken of the liturgical seasons mapping our own psychological states -- that we have periods of our life that are Lenten, season of life that are full of Easter celebration or Advent anticipation, etc.

Last year on Maundy Thursday my life took the turn that the liturgy takes on that day. And I didn't feel very much like Easter that Sunday morning. In fact, despite wonderful Easter-moments, I didn't feel fully resurrected again until November. Today I celebrated Easter with great joy. I awoke with the sun (because of Mom being noisy in the kitchen) and thanked God for the day and God's love. Quickly I realized how much in an Easter/resurrection mood I am right now in my life and that this was my day of days to celebrate.

And, you know what, those words expressed last Easter evening, this year I am more restrained in my expression, but I think they are even more true than they were.


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I am so glad to hear that your Easter was indeed a time of resurrection and new life. Mine seems to have become that as well. I love you!

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