More on the Library Commission
February 28, 2006
Jim Nimmo, treasurer of Oklahoma Stonewall Democrats, wrote the following piece on the Library Commission's Segregation Policy. I haven't posted the piece I wrote, because I'm waiting for it to published first. I'll post it then. Here's Jim's:
What a Web We Weave When We Endeavor to Deceive
(Oklahoma City, OK) The Metropolitan Library Commission of Oklahoma County, satiated with its close association to divinity, has voted to remove age-appropriate gay-friendly children's books to a "free speech zone" disguised as a "parenting shelf".
Remarks made at the Commission table indicated that some of the Commissioners think their "final solution" is a compromise between (1) those wanting the open shelving policy to remain in place and (2) Representative Sally Kern, who's initial and still current goal, is to remove all gay themed, age-appropriate, diversity-friendly children's books--no ifs, ands, or buts.
If your definition of "compromise" means "balance" I do not understand how a segment of our Oklahoma County taxpayers who wanted to maintain a neutral, status quo policy in the library can be thought of as extreme to the same extent as a Sally Kern. This assertion by two Commissioners in particular can only be made because in acquiescing to Kern's demand the center-line of policy, the Greenwich meridian, has been forced to the right.
These voices on the Commission know they've done the wrong thing--sinking to the level of homophobia and financial blackmail. Mrs. Kern is co-chair of a House committee controlling public library funding.
By describing their appeasement of Mrs. Kern as a compromise, the Commission is trying to put themselves in a better light and remove the focus from those Commissioners who harbor religiously-inspired homophobia. I can't help but think of the joke concerning a little boy, who wanting a pony for his birthday, spies a dung pile and knows there's something close by for him.
Gay people are a minority in numbers, not a minority in age regarding mental maturity or acuity. Does the Commission think it's dealing with humans that are just too big for car seats, unable to perceive deception? Our pride as professional human beings is insulted. We've been living too long and devoted too much time practicing to be termed amateurs or rubes.
We can be proud that our collective communications with the library Commission, either letters, phone calls, e-mails, and appearances at public meetings, have exposed institutional homophobia to the litmus test of newsprint and the bright light of cameras. Even the Oklahoman editorialized against Kern.
To be infected with homophobia and not seek a cure is to be irresponsible in that one is spreading contagion to others, debilitating common society, inhibiting the personal growth of others, diminishing imagination. Sounds like fundamentalist religion.
Where's a Louis Pasteur when we need him?
Responsible people should be working to end this social wrong of homophobia, not just managing by sorting it to another shelf, out of sight.
James Nimmo, treasurer
Oklahoma Stonewall Democrats
I really, really, really liked the alliteration in the title of his piece. Well thought out writing by this guy.
Posted by: Joe | February 28, 2006 at 04:44 PM