Curing Blindness
Well, We Are Segregated


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I will have to check it out when i get home. My office, at the church, computer says it is a forbidden site and won't allow me to get on there.

Scott Jones

That made me laugh really loudly.


The warning page said: Forbidden site; violates the sex and sexually explict nature set by parental control. (that would be our financial secretary since the a staff member visited porn sites frequently!)

Scott Jones

It gives fashion advice and cultural criticism!

Scott Jones

Oh, I'm curious. Are Maxim and other such sites filtered out?


Not sure but I am still able to get onto to (world wrestling entertainment) and they have pictures of the divas in their underwear, so that's weird.


But I did read it the article and thought it was hilarious.


That was fantastic. I'm laughing in my cubicle right now, and everyone is asking me to share what was so funny.

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