The Moment
Welcome and Inclusion

Part of the early story of the Religious Right

Interesting article about Francis Schaeffer and the birth of the Religious Right. Thanks to Jesus Politics for the link.

An excerpt:

The most succinct illustration of the clash between the Schaefferism that could have been, and the fundamentalism that instead fed and grew on his work, occurred when Billy Zeoli told the Schaeffers they had to cut some footage from How Should We Then Live?. Frank had put his father on some scaffolding next to Michelangelo's David to give a sense of scale, and the senior Schaeffer, high above the ground, close to the art he loved, had been transported into a distinctly unfundamentalist rhapsody. But that wasn't Zeoli's problem. He wasn't concerned with ideas. It was David's exposed genitals. American evangelicals, he said, just weren't ready for that.

Frank pointed out that they'd included footage of Mary's breast in depictions of the Virgin and the Baby Jesus. "One holy tit is OK," Zeoli responded. "But churches don't do cock!"

The senior Schaeffer gave in, muttering his dissent: "We're working with fools."


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LOL. No cock, indeed.

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