7th Day of Christmas
January 02, 2012
And on the seventh day they rested.
Saturday morning I awakened to the wonderful prospect of the next three days. Saturday, despite evening party plans, would be lazy. Sunday, despite worship in the morning, would be lazy. And Monday, a day off and no plans, would also be lazy.
So, I made a to-do list for the weekend. No household remodeling projects, not even any normal cleaning, just some things I needed to get done, some which have been languishing for a while. Plus, I included things like reading and spending time with Michael and enjoying myself. Three days of relaxation. Wow!
In the afternoon of this seventh day, I took a walk. It was in the mid-50's and quite nice outside. In fact, we had the windows open and the heater off all afternoon, airing out the house. Who does that on January 31st? While on my walk a dog bit me in Leavenworth Park. Not bad, didn't break the skin.
On Saturday it also became clear that Michael had a cold. A convenient weekend, in some ways, to catch his annual January cold (a little early, though). That did alter our evening plans.
I made a brief appearance, sans Michael, to watch the fireworks from the rooftop of a friend and neighbor's house.
Otherwise, I spent most of the evening reading and blogging. Michael was asleep at midnight, but I did lean over and kiss him Happy New Year.