Torture and Modernity
Part One of A Critique of MARRIAGE AND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: Fundamental Goods That Stand or Fall Together

Holiness according to Tutu

"This holiness is not ethereal, however.  For Tutu, if worship is to be an encounter with God as Ultimate Reality, it is this Reality that needs to shape the church's perceptions of social reality.  The church cannot allow its goals and action to be shaped and determined by bourgeois notions of what is possible.  The church is to be holy.  This is the single most important service that the church can render to the world, as Tutu's understanding of church provides an alternative vision of what by God's grace is socially possible.  It is the task of the church to infuse God's holiness into human reality.  In the biblical tradition, holiness is not gnosis, but a way of living or acting in obedience to God's creative and redemptive participation in human history."


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