Lakoff on the Santorum strategy
March 12, 2012
George Lakoff, once again, reminds progressives not to cede the public discourse to radical conservatives and to quite strengthening the radical conservatives by using their language. Rather, develop one's own based on progressive values. Lakoff made these points after John Kerry's defeat and progressives got better at following his advice, which is one reason I think that they did well in 2006 and 2008.
Liberals tend to underestimate the importance of public discourse and its effect on the brains of our citizens. All thought is physical. You think with your brain. You have no alternative. Brain circuitry strengthens with repeated activation. And language, far from being neutral, activates complex brain circuitry that is rooted in conservative and liberal moral systems. Conservative language, even when argued against, activates and strengthens conservative brain circuitry. This is extremely important for so-called "independents," who actually have both conservative and liberal moral systems in their brains and can shift back and forth. The more they hear conservative language over the next eight months, the more their conservative brain circuitry will be strengthened.
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