Influential Americans
Rowan Williams on Narnia

John Cobb's hopes for process thought

John Cobb writes of his hopes for process thought.  They are abmitious (and focus initially on China); a sampling:

hope that the participation of process thought in the national conversation (for which I hope) will contribute to the end of economism as the dominant religion of our culture and our world.  I hope it will break the stranglehold of Cartesian materialism on the sciences.  I hope it will end the fragmentation of knowledge and redirect higher education away from value neutrality toward the service of humanity and the salvation of the world.  I hope that the new model of higher education offered by Claremont Lincoln University will succeed and flourish.

Of course, I fear that the worship of Mammon will continue to dominate our educational system and national politics and lead humanity to self-annihilation.  The few protests, such as those of the process community, are likely at best to be tolerated and ignored.  But this FAQ is about hope.

And he also writes about how our desperate times call for Whiteheadian measures:

What [Whitehead] offers besides protest is a richly developed alternative to the philosophical basis of modern economic theories.  This has made it possible to develop an alternative economic theory that aims at sustainable economic activity on a bio-diverse planet.  Sadly the Whiteheadian option is not part of the public discussion. . . .  In a public discussion between neoliberal economists and Whiteheadians, I am convinced that Whiteheadians would win hands down.  Perhaps that would have an effect on public policy.  If so, we might yet steer the world away from the fate to which bad metaphysics is directing it. Improbable, no doubt.  But at least we should try.


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