A year after DADT repeal
September 20, 2012
Chad Griffin wrote a good piece for HuffPost on the anniversary of DADT repeal and the fact that no crisis ensued. What did happen is that we became a more just society. An excerpt:
Far from the catastrophe predicted by the opponents of equality, the only shock of DADT repeal seems to be that there was no shock at all. Of course, the American people are beginning to notice a trend here. Time and time again, on issues ranging from marriage equality to federal hate-crimes laws to employment nondiscrimination protections, the panicky opponents of equality have predicted disaster -- and are suddenly silent when that disaster fails to materialize.
Today, a broad and growing majority of Americans support LGBT equality. As the general public has come to better understand the lives LGBT people, they can see clearly what our so-called "agenda" is really about. The agenda of LGBT families, after all, is to raise their kids in safe schools, to contribute to a fair tax system, and to enjoy the same protections in health care that opposite-sex couples enjoy. The agenda of LGBT employees is to work hard in an environment where they won't be fired simply for living as they are. And the agenda of LGBT members of the armed forces is to serve openly and tirelessly the country that they love.