Fall Vacation 2014
Moral Man and Immoral Society

Foundation by Isaac Asimov

Foundation (Foundation, #1)Foundation by Isaac Asimov
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

My husband Michael is a big fan of the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov. I gave him the hardbound Library of America volume of the first three novel last year for Christmas. I decided to begin reading the series this week.

Set far into the future at the time of the collapse of the First Galactic Empire as a group of scientists work to preserve the culture and technology of humanity through the predicted dark ages. It is a fascinating story, told over centuries, with quite memorable characters. As with any good science fiction, this work requires your brain to think and analyze the decisions of the characters and the turns of the plot. I really wish I had read these as a child, because I'm certain they would have endeared themselves to me, and I would have spent hours ruminating on them and discussing them with friends.

Contained with the novel are interesting lessons for contemporary humanity as we make important ethical and political decisions.

View all my reviews


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